Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22, 2014

So on Monday we got to plant flowers at the temple. It was so fun. I love planting flowers. Some members asked us if we had time to help. The elders couldn't but we had time. They even bought tacos for us so that was cool. 

 We ate dinner with one of the stake president’s counselors and they gave us a lot of part member families to go see. It was pretty exiting after we got dropped by some investigators and the other ones aren't progressing. Before we left we took a selfie with him and his daughter sent it to our moms 
:) it was pretty cool. After dinner we went straight home because we were both feeling sick and I had a fever ugh. We had specialized training and it was so cool. We have a lot of things changing in our mission and we have to be so much more obedient. We have to focus on just our investigators. some of it is less active work but we have to get the members involved because we are only here for a short while and the members are here all the time. It’s so cool to hear stories about our members that have gone on missions. On Sunday the Holles fed us. He is in the stake presidency. We have all our stake guys in our ward. It’s pretty cool. Anyway his wife told us she met him in the mtc and he was going to serve in her home town in Belgium. Cool huh. When she got off her mission her dad and mom invited the missionaries to for dinner and he was the missionary. Now they are married. So many crazy stories you would never think could happen. I wish I had more to say but like I said I was sick all week brother Arnold made us this drink that was supposed to make us feel better and I felt like I was home and my mom was making me drink those gross drinks that have like vitamin C in it. He was like, drink it fast and I really didn't want too I even asked him nicely if I could just not drink it but he basically said nope drink it. ugh so I did and afterward I almost threw it up. it was soooo gross. Then he was like OK now you two off to bed. it was only 8. I felt so bad we were in bed at 8. grrrr I hate being sick. A couple days later we had dinner with the Windsong bishop. We got soup and lasagna. I was so happy. then bishop said after this we need to go home and sleep Bishops orders. He told his wife to take us to the store and get us what we need. Before we left to do that bishop was showing us all his guns they have 4 safes in the house full of guns and one of them is out in the garage. His man cave is full of big guns. I was so excited. He was like do you wanna shoot one and I had to decline because we can’t shoot firearms on our mission Sad face. he was also telling us about how he is on a team that plays airsoft and the guns look so real it’s crazy. he said it doesn't hurt as bad as paintball so after the mission he said come back and I can be on the team. Woot!! Transfers are coming up and we have no clue what’s going to happen. Scary! We both wanna stay until Christmas and bishop said we can come get a pumpkin for Halloween. I love this area and I hope that with all the referrals we just got that we can help these part member families go to the temple one day :)

Love Sister Steen
 on our way to specialized training

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